
Course Rating and MAX Events

In 2021 we will introduce the course rating which is meant to give indications to racers about the characteristics of every race course and event. This will help you to get a feel for the type of race you’re about to sign up for and to pick the race based on your preferences and type of challenge you’re looking for.

There is 4 criteria in the course rating system:

  • Elevation gain
  • Altitude (start point)
  • Terrain (technical difficulty)
  • Weather (low and high temperatures)

For each of these criteria every race is rated between 1 (easy), 2 (moderate) or 3 (hard). The rating is represented by helmet icons, in the true Spartan style:




What are MAX Events:

Based on this rating there will be a category of events, that have to be seen as the hardest events: the MAX events.  

The designator “MAX” is therefor used for select Sprint, Super, Beast, and Ultra events that feature very difficult courses, defined as being an event that has two or more “hard” ratings using the course rating system (ie. two attributes with three helmets each). 

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